The firm of Rudall & Rose, later Rudall, Rose & Carte, and finally Rudall Carte, dominated flute making in Britain for a century and a half from their founding in 1822. For much of their existence almost every professional flute player and most serious amateurs in Britain played on one of this firm’s instruments.The original firm, Rudall & Rose, produced simple-system flutes of the highest quality before they were persuaded by Richard Carte, a student of George Rudall, to begin production of Theobald Boehm’s early conical flute. The firm went on to buy the British rights to manufacture Boehm’s 1847 cylindrical flute, which is the basis of the instrument most flute players use today. Richard Carte, a brilliant businessman, joined the firm as a partner in the early 1850s and transformed them from a small business producing high-quality flutes to a hugely-successful concern that produced and sold flutes and most other instruments as well as publishing books, music and, for eight decades, The Musical Directory, an annual guide to the music business in Britain. Rudall, Rose & Carte, as they became, bought the business of Thomas Key, military musical instrument maker, adding brass and percussion instruments to their catalogue. In addition to their instruments and publications, the firm promoted concerts, for a time under the management of Richard Carte’s son, Richard D’Oyly Carte, who later made his fortune promoting the operas of Gilbert & Sullivan. The firm became Rudall, Carte & Company in 1872.This book is a comprehensive history of the firm and contains detailed descriptions of the many innovative instruments they made. There are hundreds of colour photographs of flutes, alto flutes, bass flutes and piccolos, each shown in at least two views, and where necessary in three or four views with photographs of details. The firm’s output is shown in context with photographs of dozens of flutes made by their competitors including Willis, Prowse, Monzani, Wood, Wylde, ‘Pratten’s Perfected’ by Boosey & Co., Fentum, Godfroy, Koch, Boehm, Laurent, Gerock, Badger, Ward, Card, Siccama, Clinton, Lot, Collard and Boehm & Mendler.The book includes a lavishly-illustrated Gallery containing hundreds of photographs:•Simple-system flutes by George Rudall and by John Mitchell Rose before they formed their partnership; by Rudall & Rose; by Rudall, Rose & Carte; and by Rudall Carte•Advanced simple-system flutes, including Carte’s ‘Old System’ and flutes made to Clinton and Siccama systemsBoehm flutes with ring keys, both conical and cylindrical•Modern-style Boehm flutes•Carte’s 1851 Patent flutes•Carte’s 1867 Patent flutes•Radcliff flutes•Unusual flutes, including those made to special order for the inventors Mathews, Martin and WelchAppendices include addresses, dates and serial numbers; workshop photographs; design features of Rudall Carte flutes; price lists; and fingering charts.Published 2011. Hardbound. 336 pages. 264mm by 196mm. Price £75 (75 GBP).ISBN 978-0-946113-09-5Available from the publisher, Tony Bingham ( or from the author (, and from the usual specialist booksellers and flute shops.
- Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Player
- Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Player Images
- Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Player Name
Music Publishers and Plate Number Styles
- Publishers’ Catalogues
- Publisher Pages Manual of Style
- Editions Manual of Style
- Series
- Editions
Orchestrators, Arrangers and Editors
Writers, Lyricists and Translators
An Index to Rudall Rose and Carte Instruments. The following is a constructed list for dating Rudall instruments. If you note any discrepancies, or have additional information concerning this company, please contact us here at Horn-u-copia. Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Music Dvdfab Passkey 8 0 8 8 Final Castle Credit Scoring For Risk Managers Elizabeth Mays Pdf Converter Ashta Chamma Serial Suhasini Photos Alpine Design Tent Manual C Sharp Projects With Source Code And Database Free Download. Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Music Sheets. Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Music Sheets.
early cover
1880s cover
1922 cover
Contents- 2Imprints, Addresses, Agencies
This firm published music in London from the 1850s until 1955, when it was bought by Boosey & Hawkes. The catalogue contained works for flute and a few for other wind instruments.
Rudall & Rose, later Rudall, Rose & Carte, and finally Rudall Carte, was the major manufacturer of flutes in the UK from about 1820 to 1950. George Rudall (1781-1871), a professional flautist and flute teacher, saw the potential market for flutes, and recruited John Mitchell Rose (1793-1866) of the firm Wood, Small & Co in Edinburgh, setting up a workshop in London in 1822 with the name Rudall & Rose. At first they made simple-system flutes, but Richard Carte (1808-1891), Rudall's student, persuaded Rudall to make Theobald Boehm’s early conical flutes. The firm then bought the British rights to make Boehm’s 1847 cylindrical flute, which has remained the standard to the present. Subsequently, from the early 1850s, Richard Carte brought his business skill to the firm and presided over a vast growth.
It was at this time, under Richard Carte, that the firm moved into publishing. In addition to flute works, Rudall Carte published The Musical Directory, an annual guide to the music business in Britain. The instrument business also grew, with the acquisition of Thomas Key, a military musical instrument maker, and they started to sell brass and percussion instruments. The name Rudall, Carte & Company was adopted in 1872 and Carte became sole owner in 1878. Incidentally, the oldest of Carte's six children was Richard D'Oyly Carte (1844–1901), the impressario who brought Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan together for the Savoy operas (1875-96).
Imprints, Addresses, Agencies
23 Berners St London

Plate Numbers
Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Player

- The letters R.C. & Co. Ltd. ### were usually included as part of the plate numbering scheme.
Dates in italics are estimated.
Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Player Images
Plate | Composer | Work | Year |
Prout | Flute Sonata, Op.17 | 1883 |
480 | Duncan | Quintet for Piano and Winds, Op.38 (sc & pts) | 1898 |
670 | Revell | 3 Pensées, Op.23 | 1923 |
Rudall Carte Serial Numbers Flute Player Name
Sources Consulted